Sunday, February 7, 2010

Here we go again...

This treacherous circle has come... full circle. Jordan says "I'm gonna post more!" then... Jordan doesn't post. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You'll live, I've been busy doing much less important things!

I'm still alive, thank you very much, almost all of my limited amount of energy (yawn) is being poured into school. Fun, fun, fun.

Well, faithful blog followers (if you're still out there and you haven't been eaten alive by a chimera) that's all I've got until.... I have something to tell you about!


Unknown said...

Hey Chickie!!!
WEEEELLLLL.... I'm sittin' right next to you and we just posted and edited your profile... that's goin' in the book for one of the most original comment you ever gotten... well... let's watch more Jonas!!! Love You!!! *hugs you*

Anonymous said...

I had to look up "chimera." Honestly; no kidding.

School is more important. Go for it!

Jonas???? AAAHHH!!! No no no! Those three coxcombs are ... well, I better not finish that thought if you two like them. But, I mean, for the sake of carrying with you an esteemed demeanor, could you maybe watch something more ... mentally stimulating than a dude with curly mop-top hair in black sunglasses sleeping on the side of a school locker while some enamored ditz faints in his petrified arms. I WANT to think well of you two. Don't make me lower my opinions by coupling you with ... AH JONAS! Please ladies!
*nearly pulls our hair*

JK :-)

Anonymous said...

"It doesn't matter if the world is pulling you down. With Christ you have everything."
~Nick Jonas

Anonymous said...

Alright, fair enough. :-) Good for Nick. But as for me, I still find them (and their music) to be very shallow - actually I find most everything on Disney to be quite superficial and derisive humor. The modern teenager flies far below his or her potential and I just don't like good people like you and McKenna to be a part of it because I would esteem you over the average lass. But then again, I am not a teenage girl either, and they are teen heartthrobs, I suppose.

Very glad he made the statement that you shared though. :-)