Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Can't Really Think of an Excuse...

Yeah, I dont even know why Im bothering to post now... Go figure, I really havent been up to anything that interesting, as most of you know.  For those of you who cant really make that assumption, Ive been doing magical things like school, dance, and torturing those whom actually wanted to watch and enjoy the super bowl!  My fingers just really feel like typing and typing fast at this very moment. Maybe its the temperature right now, for some strange reason its like negative-who-knows-what out side, and in our house even, and I am wearing a t-shirt.  :P   Its cold outside, and our whole back yard was pretty much an ice skating ring there for a few days.  And that concludes this completely useless post!  :)

Oh! and the weirdest thing that I did today was probably putting on makeup. Like, not my normal amount of make up, like foundation, blush, eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow...  Not quite sure why I did that....